British Christmas Tree Growers Association Ticket Portal

Growers Guide (£16.95)


We are pleased to be able to offer all BCTGA Members the opportunity to purchase 'Christmas Trees - A Growers Guide' written by Colin Palmer. 

Colin Palmer (BASIS qualification R/0/342/B/2) has been assisting BCTGA members with technical queries for over 40 years. This guide provides an introduction to the management of the Christmas tree crop.

‘Christmas Trees – A Growers Guide’ is a 65 page, full colour A5 paperback guide. The guide is well illustrated with images throughout. 

It is a comon misconception that Christmas trees may be a useful way of filling a patch of land which is unsuitable for other crops due to factors such as low fertility, poor drainage or soil structure. But nothing could be further from the thruth.

Christmas trees are potentially a high value crop which need the best land plus the skill and dedication of the grower if the consumer demand for high quality trees is to be met.

This guide aims to provide basic guidance on developing a Christmas tree enterprise and provides guidance on:

·         Planting

·         Shaping and feeding the trees

·         Pest and weed control

·         Harvesting and sales